Document Type

Lesson/Unit Plans and Activities

Publication Date



Health Science and Human Ecology


An e-portfolio has been recognized as a High Impact Practice (HIP). High Impact Practices are defined as “educational experiences that are meaningful, require student action and participation, and contribute to the life-long learning of the student.” (AACU, 2019, ¶2). Preliminary research has revealed that students that engage in HIPs are more likely to achieve higher grades, more readily retain and transfer information, and may narrow equity gaps (Kuh, Gambino, Ludvik, & O’Donnell, 2008). An e-portfolio is an interactive personal digital archive that may contain artifacts (such as resumes, curricula vitae, personal statements, etc.) or examples of achievements (such as projects, awards, recognitions, badges, etc.) (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005). Therefore, the creation and maintenance of an e-portfolio would satisfy the requirements of a HIP. Assigning students an e-portfolio project that incorporates both formative and summative assessments of student learning may be worthwhile. Such an assignment, when integrated throughout the Nutrition and Food Science curriculum (NTFS), would also satisfy the Professional Practice Expectations of The Academy (ACEND). Specifically, the following Core Knowledge requirements:

  • KRDN 1.3 Apply critical thinking skills.
  • KRDN 2.1 Demonstrate effective and professional oral and written communication and documentation.

Additionally, an e-portfolio could serve to promote student success by serving as a means to showcase skills and accomplishments to potential employers and Dietetic Internship Preceptors.
