Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology



First Reader/Committee Chair

Kottke, Janet


Hispanic women in leadership are vastly understudied and little is known as to what factors influence their leadership aspirations and ultimately their career advancement. Mentoring has been found to have a positive influence on women’s perceptions of career advancement and the gender of the mentor plays a role (Tharenou, 2005). The purpose of this study was to examine how career-related mentoring influences the protegee’s career advancement and how the gender of the mentor may change that relationship. Furthermore, the relationship between psychosocial (emotional) support and the protegee’s leadership aspirations were examined, as well as the role of the mentor’s gender and ethnicity. In addition, negative factors, such as barriers to obtain a mentor and work family conflict, were also examined to determine how they may affect their leadership aspirations. Last, we also examined if social support moderates the relationship between work family conflict and leadership aspirations. The results indicated that career-related mentoring is positively related to career advancement and is moderated by the mentor’s gender. However, the relationship between psychosocial mentoring and leadership aspiration is positive, but not moderated by the mentor’s gender or ethnicity. It was found that work family conflict is negatively related to leadership aspirations, but not moderated by social support. A mixed method approach was used and the themes found in the qualitative data aligned with the quantitative findings. Both the theoretical and practical implications of the results for Hispanic women’s career aspirations and advanced are discussed
