
Journal of International Information Management


The industrialization of white collar work via information technology (IT) is a key indicator of the emerging post-industrial economy (Hirschhorn, 1988). A conceptual model linking clerical work environments to effective IT impacts such as IT utilization, IT's perceived ease of use and performance impact was developed and empirically tested. Underlying the model is the premise that clerical job structure is a facilitator of IT impacts (Weber, 1988). The results indicate that clerical job structure factors such as typing, composing or editing, and bookkeeping were significantly related to IT impacts in clerical work settings. A job holder's IT competence and top management commitment to IT were also found to be significantly related to IT impacts in clerical work settings. Antecedent relationships among the IT impacts also contributed to understanding the IT impacts - for example, IT utilization affected perceived ease of use and perceived performance impact, and perceived ease of use affected perceived performance impact.
