Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Social Work


School of Social Work

First Reader/Committee Chair

Chang, Janet


This thesis attempted to examine the effects of on-call work schedules on professional social workers. This was achieved through the use of a demographic survey and qualitative face-to-face and phone interviews. A total of 15 interview questions were explored, the subjects included: the impacts of on-call work on psychological, physiological, emotional well-being and work family balance of professional social workers. Participants were recruited using availability sampling and the sample size consisted of nine participants. The nine interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The researcher identified common themes related to on-call work schedules. Results found that participants suffered familial disruption as well as impacts on their well-being and support system. There was also a lack of access to patient information and similar difficulties experienced by participants while on-call. Participants also provided suggestions in order to improve on-call experiences. It is recommended that similar studies be conducted on a larger sample size to insure generalizability and a greater understanding of the impacts on-call work has on the social work profession.

Included in

Social Work Commons
